Sunday, July 17, 2011

New things

Over the course of the next two months, I will be: 

1. Packing up my home in Tampa and selling almost everything I own
2. Quitting my job
3. Driving my 7 year old Cavalier 1,400 miles from Tampa to my hometown in Massachusetts
4. Getting married
5. Embarking on a trip to every New England state (as requested by my fiance)
6. Moving to France
7. Starting a new job outside of Paris as a French Language Assistant

In light of all of this, I thought, "Hey, why not start a blog?  I can record everything I'm doing, and next time I decide to have an adventure and I start getting nervous, I can remember that I lived through this one!"

When I told Matt, my fiance, that I decided to write a blog, he was very supportive, as always.

"Well, what will you blog about?"
"Travel.  It's going to be a travel blog." I answered without pause.

A few days later we were sitting around on the couch, one of my favorite activities.

"Maybe it won't be a travel blog, I don't really go anywhere." I declared.
Matt laughed.
"I mean, I want to write a travel blog," I continued, "but I don't want to write reviews of beaches and restaurants. 'This restaurant was good, this beach was bad.' I want to talk about my experiences with the places, and how I felt, and how amazing it was to be there, or see something, or eat somewhere."
"Okay, so do that." He may or may not have said.
"Well, but then it won't be a true travel blog."
"You can do what you want.  You always get extra sensitive about new things." He told me while watching soccer.

It was true.  What if I write a bad blog?  What if it's a mistake to quit my job and move to France? What if my car breaks down driving up the coast of the US? What if I spill red wine on my wedding dress? What if I can't find an apartment in France?  What if I start my new job, and I don't understand anything that's happening around me?

These are the questions that run through my mind all day, everyday.  And yet I continue to live.  Jenmaggeddon has not yet occured.

So I've decided to tackle one more new thing: writing a blog.  It might be about travel.  As Matt may or may not have said, "It's your blog, write what you want."

So that's what I'm doing.

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